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nightmare king

['ˈnaɪtmeər kɪŋ] n. 梦魇之王;噩梦国王 1. The nightmare king is the ruler of all nightmares, often depicted as a dark and malevolent figure that brings terror and fear to people's dreams. 梦魇之王是所有噩梦的者,通常被描绘为黑暗和邪恶的形象,给人们的梦境带来恐怖和恐惧。 2. The word "nightmare" comes from the Old English word "mara," meaning "incubus" or "demon," and the Middle English word "niht," meaning "night." Therefore, nightmare king can also be translated as "king of demons in the night." "Nightmare"一词来自古英语单词"mara",意为"夜魔"或"恶魔",以及中古英语单词"niht",意为"夜晚"。因此,nightmare king也可以翻译为“夜晚的恶魔之王”。 3. Usage: The nightmare king is often used in literature and media to symbolize fear, darkness, and evil. It can also be used as a metaphor for any powerful force that brings chaos and destruction. 梦魇之王经常被用于文学作品和媒体中,象征着恐惧、黑暗和邪恶。它也可以作为任何带来混乱和破坏的强大力量的比喻。 4. Examples: 1) The nightmare king appeared in my dream last night, and I woke up in a cold sweat. 昨晚梦魇之王出现在我的梦中,我惊醒后浑身冷汗。 2) The children were scared of the nightmare king, but they couldn't escape from their own dreams. 孩子们害怕梦魇之王,但他们无法逃离自己的梦境。 3) The nightmare king's reign of terror was finally put to an end by the brave knight who defeated him in battle. 勇敢的骑士在战斗中击败了梦魇之王,终结了他的恐怖。 4) The nightmare king's presence could be felt in every corner of the dark and eerie castle. 在这座黑暗而恐怖的城堡的每个角落都能感受到梦魇之王的存在。 5) The nightmare king's power grew stronger with each passing night, causing more and more people to have terrifying dreams. 随着每个夜晚过去,梦魇之王的力量变得越来越强大,导致越来越多的人做噩梦。 5. Synonyms: - Demon King: This is another term used to refer to the ruler of all demons or evil forces. - Lord of Nightmares: This term emphasizes the king's control over nightmares and dreams. - King of Darkness: This term highlights the king's association with darkness and evil. - Master of Fear: This term focuses on the king's ability to instill fear in others. - Monarch of Night Terrors: This term emphasizes the king's role in causing terrifying dreams. 同义词: - 魔王:这是另一个用来指代所有恶魔或邪恶力量者的术语。 - 梦魇之主:这个术语强调了梦魇之王对噩梦和梦境的。 - 黑暗之王:这个术语突出了梦魇之王与黑暗和邪恶的关联。 - 恐惧大师:这个术语着重于梦魇之王能够在他人心中灌输恐惧的能力。 - 夜惊君主:这个术语强调了梦魇之王在造成恐怖梦境方面的作用。 6. Editor's Summary: The nightmare king is a powerful and terrifying figure, often used in literature and media to represent fear, darkness, and evil. Its origins can be traced back to Old English and Middle English words, and it has been used as a metaphor for chaos and destruction. The synonyms for nightmare king highlight different aspects of its character, such as its control over nightmares or its association with darkness. As an editor, it is important to understand the context in which this term is used and to choose the most appropriate synonym based on the desired effect.

nightmare king


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