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[ˈnɛpə] noun. Definition: NEPA stands for National Environmental Policy Act, which is a law enacted in the United States in 1970 to promote the protection of the environment and ensure that federal agencies consider the impact of their actions on the environment. Usage: NEPA is often used as an acronym to refer to this law. Example 1: The construction of a new highway was delayed due to NEPA requirements for environmental impact studies. 例句1:由于NEPA要求进行环境影响研究,一条新公路的建设被推迟了。 Example 2: The NEPA process involves public participation and evaluation of potential environmental effects before any major federal action can be taken. 例句2:在进行任何重大的联邦行动之前,NEPA流程都需要公众参与和评估潜在的环境影响。 Example 3: NEPA has been instrumental in protecting natural resources and preserving the environment for future generations. 例句3:NEPA在保护自然资源和保护环境为子孙后代做出了重要贡献。 Example 4: The NEPA review process requires federal agencies to consider alternatives to their proposed actions that could have less impact on the environment. 例句4:NEPA审查流程要求联邦考虑对环境影响较小的替代方案。 Example 5: The NEPA guidelines also encourage agencies to use environmentally friendly practices and technologies in their projects. 例句5:NEPA指导方针还鼓励在项目中采用环保的做法和技术。 Synonyms: National Environmental Policy Act, environmental protection law, environmental impact assessment 同义词:环境法,环境保护法,环境影响评估 Editor's Summary: NEPA is an important law in the United States that promotes the protection of the environment and requires federal agencies to consider the impact of their actions on the environment. It has been instrumental in preserving natural resources and promoting environmentally friendly practices.



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