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1. necessarily是副词necessity的形式,意为“必要地”、“必然地”、“一定地”。 2. 读音:[ˈnesəˌserəli] 3. 用法:通常用于句首或句尾,表示某事物是不可避免的或者必须发生的。 4. 例句: 1) It is not necessarily true that all expensive things are of high quality. 并非所有昂贵的东西都是高质量的。 2) In order to succeed, hard work is not necessarily enough, you also need a bit of luck. 为了成功,仅靠努力并不一定足够,你还需要一点运气。 3) Not all people who are rich are necessarily happy. 并非所有富裕的人都一定幸福。 4) Just because someone is old, it doesn't necessarily mean they are wise. 仅仅因为一个人年龄大,并不意味着他们就一定很聪明。 5) Being popular doesn't necessarily mean being liked by everyone. 受欢迎并不意味着被每个人喜欢。 5. 同义词及用法: - inevitably: 意为“不可避免地”,强调某件事情无法避免或逃避。 :Inevitably, the price of oil will rise again. - certainly: 意为“肯定地”,强调某件事情是确定无疑的。 :I will certainly be there for your graduation. - definitely: 意为“明确地”,强调某件事情是确定的,没有任何疑问。 :I will definitely finish this project on time. - surely: 意为“毫无疑问地”,强调某件事情是肯定的。 :Surely, you can see the benefits of this new system. 6. 编辑总结: necessarily是一个常用的副词,用来表示某件事情是不可避免的或者必须发生的。它可以和其他副词如inevitably, certainly, definitely, surely等一起使用,但它们之间仍然有细微的差别。在写作中,我们应该根据具体语境来选择合适的词语,以表达出想要表达的意思。



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