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modesty panel

['ˈmɒdəsti ˈpænl] n. 谦虚面板,遮羞板 用于遮挡裙子或裤子上的开口部分,保护个人隐私和体面。 1. The modesty panel is a piece of fabric attached to the waistband of a skirt or pants, used to cover the opening and protect personal privacy. 谦虚面板是一块布料固定在裙子或裤子的腰带上,用于遮盖开口部分,保护个人隐私。 2. The dress code for the school requires all female students to wear skirts with a modesty panel. 学校的着装规定要求所有女学生穿着有谦虚面板的裙子。 3. The modesty panel on the pants was too small, causing discomfort for the wearer. 裤子上的谦虚面板太小了,导致穿着者感到不舒服。 4. She quickly pinned the modesty panel in place before stepping out of her dressing room. 她迅速将谦虚面板别在衣帽间里后才走出来。 5. The new swimsuit design includes a removable modesty panel for those who prefer more coverage. 这款新泳衣设计包括一个可拆卸的谦虚面板,适合那些喜欢更多覆盖的人。 Synonyms: 1. Privacy panel: a similar piece of fabric used to cover openings in clothing for privacy purposes. 2. Concealment panel: a panel used to hide a specific area of the body for modesty reasons. 3. Modesty flap: a piece of fabric that can be attached to clothing to cover certain areas. 4. Cover-up panel: a panel used to cover up an opening or gap in clothing. 5. Discretion panel: a fabric insert used to provide extra coverage and discretion for the wearer. Summary: The modesty panel is a piece of fabric attached to the waistband of a skirt or pants, used to cover the opening and protect personal privacy. It is commonly used in school uniforms, swimwear, and other clothing items where modesty is important. Synonyms for modesty panel include privacy panel, concealment panel, and cover-up panel.

modesty panel


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