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missed是动词miss的过去式和过去分词形式,意为“错过,未能参加或做到某事”。读作/mɪst/。 用法:常用于表示未能参加或做到某事,通常指因为某种原因而错过了机会。也可以用来表示未能感知或注意到某事物。 例句1:I missed the bus this morning, so I had to take a taxi to work.(我今天早上错过了公交车,所以不得不坐出租车去上班。) I'm sorry I missed your call, my phone was on silent mode.(很抱歉我没接到你的,我的手机是静音模式。) 例句2:She felt sad because she missed her best friend's wedding.(她感到很难过,因为她错过了最好朋友的婚礼。) The teacher reminded the students not to miss any important information in the lecture.(老师提醒学生们不要错过讲座中的任何重要信息。) 例句3:I can't believe I missed such a great opportunity to travel abroad.(我无法相信自己错过了如此好的出国机会。) He always misses the deadline for submitting his assignments.(他总是错过提交作业的截止日期。) 例句4:The detective missed an important clue that could have solved the case earlier.(这位侦探错过了一个重要线索,本可以早些解决这个案件。) I missed the plot twist in the movie because I went to get some snacks.(我错过了电影的情节转折,因为我去拿零食了。) 例句5:I'm sorry I missed your birthday, I was out of town.(很抱歉我错过了你的生日,我当时不在城里。) Don't miss the chance to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom.(不要错过欣赏盛开樱花的机会。) 同义词及用法: 1. Miss out (on):表示“错过某事物或机会”,常与介词on连用。 例句:I don't want to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.(我不想错过这一生仅有的机会。) 2. Overlook:表示“忽视,疏忽”,常指因为注意力不集中而未能注意到某事物。 例句:The teacher overlooked my mistake and gave me a passing grade.(老师忽略了我的错误,给了我及格分数。) 3. Neglect:表示“忽视,疏忽”,强调因为粗心大意或缺乏重视而未能做到某事。 例句:He neglected his studies and failed the exam.(他疏于学习,考试没通过。) 4. Skip:表示“跳过,略过”,通常指故意地不参加或做某事。 例句:I decided to skip the meeting and go home early.(我决定略过,早点回家。) 编辑总结: missed是一个常用的动词,表示错过某事物或机会。它可以用来表示未能参加或做到某事,也可以用来表示未能感知或注意到某事物。在写作中,我们可以通过使用同义词来避免重复使用missed,使文章更加生动有趣。同时,在日常生活中,我们也要注意不要错过重要的机会和信息。



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