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mind control

[maɪnd kənˈtroʊl] noun. 1. the ability to manipulate or influence someone's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. 用法:Mind control is often used in psychological manipulation, cults, and conspiracy theories. 例句: 1. The cult leader used mind control techniques to convince his followers to give up their possessions. 那个使用心灵技术说服他的追随者放弃他们的财产。 2. Many people believe that the government uses mind control to manipulate the masses. 许多人认为利用心灵来操纵群众。 3. The hypnotist claimed he could use mind control to make people do anything he wanted. 催眠师声称他可以利用心灵让人们做任何他想要的事情。 4. Some people believe that subliminal messages in advertising are a form of mind control. 有些人认为广告中的潜意识信息是一种心灵手段。 5. The victim of emotional abuse was under constant mind control by their abuser. 情绪虐待受害者被施虐者不断地进行心灵。 同义词及用法: 1. Brainwashing - the process of using extreme methods to persuade someone to adopt certain beliefs or behaviors. 2. Thought manipulation - the act of controlling or influencing someone's thoughts. 3. Coercive persuasion - a method of changing someone's beliefs or behaviors through force or threats. 4. Psychological manipulation - the use of psychological tactics to influence someone's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. 5. Mind games - the use of psychological tactics to manipulate someone's thoughts or emotions. 编辑总结: Mind control is the ability to manipulate or influence someone's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is often used in psychological manipulation, cults, and conspiracy theories. This term can also be referred to as brainwashing, thought manipulation, coercive persuasion, psychological manipulation, or mind games. It is a controversial concept that raises ethical concerns about the boundaries of free will and personal autonomy.

mind control


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