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mill planar

[名]n. 水轮机平面 [动]v. 磨碎 音标:[mɪl ˈpleɪnə] 用法: mill planar是一个名词和动词的组合,表示“水轮机平面”和“磨碎”的意思。作为名词,mill planar指的是水轮机的平面部分,是水力发电厂中重要的零部件。作为动词,mill planar指的是将物质磨碎成粉末或细小颗粒的过程。 例句: 1. The mill planar is the key part of the hydroelectric power plant, which is responsible for converting the energy of water into electricity. 水轮机平面是水力发电厂的关键部件,它负责将水能转化为电能。 2. The old mill has been abandoned for years, and its planar is now covered with rust. 这座老磨坊已经废弃多年,它的平面现在被锈迹覆盖着。 3. The grain was milled into flour by the large mill planar. 大型磨碎机将谷物磨成了面粉。 4. The workers are responsible for maintaining and repairing the mill planar in order to ensure its efficient operation. 工人们负责维护和修理水轮机平面,以确保其高效运行。 5. The wood was milled into small pieces and then used as fuel for the fire. 木材被磨碎成小块,然后用作火柴的燃料。 同义词及用法: 1. grind (v.) 磨碎,研磨 The coffee beans are ground into powder for making coffee. 咖啡豆被磨成粉末用来冲泡咖啡。 2. pulverize (v.) 碾碎,粉碎 The rocks were pulverized into small pieces by the powerful machine. 那台强大的机器将岩石粉碎成小块。 3. crush (v.) 压碎,粉碎 The grapes were crushed by foot to make wine. 葡萄被踩压来酿制葡萄酒。 4. millstone (n.) 磨盘,石磨 The millstone was used to grind grains into flour in ancient times. 古代人们使用石磨将谷物磨成面粉。 5. grinder (n.) 研磨机,抛光机 The metal pieces were polished by the grinder until they were shiny. 金属零件经过抛光机抛光后变得闪亮。 编辑总结: mill planar是一个常用的词汇,在水力发电厂和工业生产中都有重要的作用。它既可以指水轮机的平面部分,也可以指将物质磨碎的过程。在写作和口语中,我们可以根据具体的语境选择使用名词或动词形式。同时,mill planar还有许多同义词,可以根据需要进行替换,丰富文章的表达方式。

mill planar


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