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[makesure] (verb) /ˌmeɪk ˈʃʊər/ 1. 确保,保证 (to be certain or confident about something) - Make sure to lock the door before you leave the house. (确保在离开房子前把门锁上。) - I'll make sure to double check the numbers before submitting the report. (我会确保在提交报告前再次检查数字。) 2. 确定,弄清楚 (to find out or establish something with certainty) - Can you make sure of his whereabouts? (你能确定他的行踪吗?) - We need to make sure of the facts before making a decision. (我们需要弄清楚事实后再做决定。) 3. 保证,担保 (to promise or guarantee something) - The company makes sure that all their products are of high quality. (公司保证所有产品都是高质量的。) - He made sure that he would be there on time. (他保证会准时到达那里。) 4. 确信,确切知道 (to be certain about something) - I can't make sure if he is telling the truth or not. (我无法确定他是否在说真话。) - She made sure that she had all the necessary documents before leaving for her trip. (她确信出发前已经准备好了所有必要的文件。) 5. 确认,核实 (to confirm or verify something) - The police made sure of his identity before releasing him from custody. (在释放他前确认了他的身份。) - Please make sure that the information is correct before publishing it. (请在发布前确认信息是否正确。) 同义词及用法:ensure, guarantee, confirm, verify, check 编辑总结:makesure是一个常用的动词,意思是确保、确定、保证等。它可以用来表示对某件事情的把握或者保证,也可以表示确认或核实某件事情。同义词包括ensure、guarantee、confirm、verify和check,但它们在使用时有些微小的差别。需要根据具体语境来选择合适的词语。



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