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['n.', '脂质体'] 音标:[ˈlɪpəsəʊm] 用法:名词,单数 1. 脂质体是一种由磷脂双层包裹的微小液滴,通常用作药物传递。 Liposomes are tiny droplets enclosed by a phospholipid bilayer, commonly used as drug delivery systems. 2. 脂质体可以用来包裹药物,保护其免受消化的影响,并将其有效地运送到目标器官。 Liposomes can be used to encapsulate drugs, protecting them from the digestive system and delivering them effectively to target organs. 3. 这种技术可以提高药物的生物利用度,并降低副作用。 This technology can improve the bioavailability of drugs and reduce side effects. 4. 一些研究表明,脂质体也可以被用作基因传递,将DNA有效地输送到细胞内。 Some studies have shown that liposomes can also be used as gene delivery systems, efficiently delivering DNA into cells. 5. 脂质体在医学和生物技术领域具有广泛的应用前景。 Liposomes have a wide range of applications in the fields of medicine and biotechnology. 同义词及用法: 1. Nanoemulsion (n. 纳米乳液): 与脂质体类似,也是由磷脂双层包裹的微小液滴,常用于药物传递。 Nanoemulsion: Similar to liposomes, it is also composed of tiny droplets enclosed by a phospholipid bilayer, commonly used as drug delivery systems. 2. Microspheres (n. 微球): 一种由聚合物或其他材料制成的微小球体,可以用来包裹药物或其他活性成分。 Microspheres: Tiny spherical particles made of polymers or other materials, can be used to encapsulate drugs or other active ingredients. 3. Vesicles (n. 囊泡): 一种类似于脂质体的结构,也是由磷脂双层包裹的空心液滴,常用于细胞内物质运输。 Vesicles: A structure similar to liposomes, also composed of a phospholipid bilayer enclosing a hollow droplet, commonly used for intracellular transport. 编辑总结: 脂质体是一种重要的生物医学技术,在药物传递和基因治疗领域具有广泛的应用前景。它可以有效地保护药物或其他活性成分,并将其准确地运送到目标器官,从而提高治疗效果并降低副作用。随着技术的进步和应用范围的扩大,脂质体将继续发挥重要作用,为医学和生物技术领域带来更多的发展机遇。



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