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lɛg noun, plural legs 1. one of the limbs or appendages that an animal uses to support its body and walk on the ground. 1. 作为动物支撑身体和在地面行走的肢体或附属肢体之一。 2. a part of a garment that covers the leg. 2. 裤腿,衣服的一部分,用于覆盖腿部。 1. The dog's front legs are shorter than its back legs, making it easier for it to run. 1. 这只狗的前腿比后腿短,这样它就更容易跑步了。 2. He always wears shorts to show off his muscular legs. 2. 他总是穿短裤来展示他健壮的双腿。 Synonyms: limb, extremity, appendage 同义词:肢体,四肢,附属肢体 Legs are an essential part of most animals' bodies and are crucial for their movement and balance. They come in different shapes and sizes depending on the animal's species and environment. For example, birds have two legs that enable them to walk and hop, while snakes do not have any legs at all and move by slithering on their belly. Legs can also refer to the part of a garment that covers the leg, such as pants or stockings. This definition is commonly used in fashion and clothing industries. In everyday language, "leg" can also be used in idiomatic expressions such as "leg up," which means giving someone assistance or support, or "on one's last legs," which means being exhausted or near death. In summary, "leg" is a versatile word that can have both literal and figurative meanings. It is an essential part of many animals' bodies and a common term in fashion and everyday language. 词汇总结: Leg是一个多功能的词,可以有字面和比喻的含义。它是许多动物身体的重要组成部分,也是时尚和日常语言中常用的术语。



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