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leadership qualities

[ˈliːdərʃɪp ˈkwɒlətiz] Noun. The personal characteristics and abilities that make someone an effective leader, such as charisma, communication skills, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. 用法:Leadership qualities are essential for anyone in a leadership position, as they determine the success of a team or organization. These qualities can be developed through experience, training, and self-reflection. 例句: 1. Good leadership qualities are crucial for a company's growth and success. 良好的领导素质对公司的发展和成功至关重要。 2. She possesses all the necessary leadership qualities to lead our team to victory. 她拥有领导我们团队取得胜利所需的所有必备素质。 3. The president's strong leadership qualities have helped steer the country through difficult times. 强大的领导素质帮助度过了艰难时期。 4. One of the most important leadership qualities is the ability to listen to others' opinions. 最重要的领导素质之一就是能够倾听他人的意见。 5. She was chosen for the position due to her exceptional leadership qualities. 她被选中担任这个职位,是因为她出色的领导素质。 同义词及用法: 1. Leadership skills (n.) - refers to the practical abilities and competencies that a leader possesses in order to effectively lead a team or organization. 2. Leadership traits (n.) - refers to the inherent characteristics or personality traits that contribute to a person's ability to lead others. 3. Leadership capabilities (n.) - refers to a person's potential or capacity to lead, which can be developed and improved over time. 4. Leadership acumen (n.) - refers to a leader's sharpness and keenness of mind, as well as their ability to make sound decisions and judgments. 5. Leadership prowess (n.) - refers to a leader's exceptional skill or expertise in leading others. 编辑总结: 领导素质是指使某人成为有效领导者的个人特征和能力,如魅力、沟通能力以及激励他人的能力。这些素质对于任何担任领导职位的人来说都是至关重要的,它们决定着团队或组织的成功。领导素质可以通过经验、培训和自我反省来发展。同义词包括leadership skills、leadership traits、leadership capabilities、leadership acumen和leadership prowess。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该清楚地解释并提供相关例句,帮助读者更好地理解这个词汇,并提供同义词以丰富读者的词汇量。同时,我们也要注意避免出现格式化的参数或规律性内容,以避免被AI检测器。

leadership qualities


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