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[ˈdʒinzwest] noun Jeanswest is a brand of clothing that specializes in jeans and other denim apparel. The brand was founded in Australia in 1972 and has since expanded to over 230 stores worldwide. 用法:作为一个名词,Jeanswest指的是一家专门生产牛仔裤和其他牛仔服装的品牌。这个品牌于1972年在澳大利亚成立,目前已经发展到全球230多家门店。 例句1:I love the quality of Jeanswest jeans. They fit perfectly and are so comfortable. 我喜欢Jeanswest牛仔裤的质量。它们穿起来非常合身,也很舒适。 例句2:My favorite pair of jeans is from Jeanswest. I wear them all the time. 我最喜欢的一条牛仔裤是来自Jeanswest。我总是穿着它们。 例句3:I need to buy some new jeans for work. I think I'll check out Jeanswest this weekend. 我需要买些新的工作裤子。我想这个周末去看看Jeanswest。 例句4:The Jeanswest store at the mall always has great sales on their denim products. 商场里的那家Jeanswest店总是对他们的牛仔服装有很好的折扣销售。 例句5:My sister loves shopping at Jeanswest because they have a wide variety of sizes to choose from. 我妹妹喜欢在Jeanswest购物,因为他们有各种尺码可供选择。 同义词及用法:Jeanswest的同义词是denimwear,也可以作为名词使用。:I prefer to buy my denimwear from Jeanswest.(我更喜欢从Jeanswest购买我的牛仔服装。) 编辑总结:Jeanswest是一家专门生产牛仔裤和其他牛仔服装的品牌,其质量和舒适度备受消费者认可。该品牌已经发展到全球230多家门店,并且在商场里经常有折扣销售活动。除了作为名词使用,它的同义词denimwear也可以用来指代这种类型的服装。



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