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1:Meaning: JdbcTemplate is a class in the Java programming language that provides a simplified interface for working with databases using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). 2:Pronunciation: /ˈdʒeɪdiːbiːsitempleɪt/ 3:Usage: JdbcTemplate is used to simplify the process of working with databases in Java applications. It provides methods for executing SQL statements, handling database transactions, and mapping query results to Java objects. 4:Example Sentences: 1) The JdbcTemplate class makes it easier to connect to and query databases in Java. 2) The developer used JdbcTemplate to execute a complex SQL query and retrieve the results. 3) With JdbcTemplate, you can handle database transactions with just a few lines of code. 4) The team decided to use JdbcTemplate for their project because it simplifies database operations. 5) By using JdbcTemplate, the application was able to efficiently retrieve data from the database. 5:Synonyms and Usage: Other similar classes in Java include NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and SimpleJdbcCall. These classes also provide simplified interfaces for working with databases using JDBC. However, they have different features and may be more suitable for certain use cases. 6:Editor's Summary: In summary, JdbcTemplate is a useful class for developers who want to interact with databases in their Java applications. It simplifies the process of executing SQL statements, handling transactions, and mapping query results. By using this class, developers can save time and effort when working with databases. Additionally, there are other similar classes available that offer different features and may be better suited for specific use cases.



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