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一:irregular是什么意思的意思 irregular是一个英文单词,意为“不规则的”,“不规律的”,“不整齐的”。它可以用来形容事物的外形、形状、状态或者行为方式不符合常规,缺乏规律性。 二:怎么读(音标) irregular的音标为 /ɪˈrɛɡjələr/。 三:用法 1.作形容词时,可以用来修饰名词,表示某物或某人的特征或状态。: - The irregular shape of the rock made it difficult to climb. 这块岩石不规则的形状让攀爬变得困难。 - His irregular behavior at work caused him to be fired. 他在工作中表现不规范导致被解雇。 2.作名词时,指“不规则的人”或“非正常情况”。: - The teacher was strict with the students, but she made an exception for the irregulars. 老师对学生要求严格,但对那些特殊情况下的学生会放宽要求。 - The game was postponed due to the weather, but it will continue tomorrow for the irregulars. 比赛因天气原因延期,但明天将继续进行给那些非正常情况下参赛的选手。 3.作副词时,表示“不规律地”,“不定期地”。: - He exercises irregularly, sometimes every day and sometimes not at all. 他锻炼得不规律,有时每天都锻炼,有时一点也不锻炼。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The students' attendance at school was irregular, with some coming late and others skipping classes. 学生们的上课出勤情况不规律,有些人迟到,有些人逃课。 2. The company's profits showed an irregular pattern, with some months having high earnings and others having low earnings. 公司的利润呈现出不规律的模式,有些月份盈利高,有些月份盈利低。 3. Her eating habits were irregular, sometimes she would skip meals and other times she would overeat. 她的饮食习惯不规律,有时会吃饭,有时会暴饮暴食。 4. The old building had an irregular shape due to years of wear and tear. 这座老建筑因为多年的风吹雨打而形成了不规则的形状。 5. His heartbeat was irregular, which caused him to see a doctor immediately. 他的心跳不规律,这让他立刻去看医生。 五:同义词及用法 1.irregular和unusual都可以表示“不寻常的”,但irregular更强调与常态或标准相比较,而unusual更强调与一般情况相比较。 2.irregular和abnormal都可以表示“不正常的”,但irregular更偏重于指某物或某人的特征或状态,而abnormal更偏重于指某种情况或现象。 3.irregular和random都可以表示“随机的”,但irregular更强调缺乏规律性,而random更强调缺乏可预测性。 六:编辑总结 irregular是一个常用的英文单词,在日常生活和工作中都有广泛的应用。它可以作形容词、名词和副词,用来描述事物的外形、状态、行为方式等。同时,它也有许多近义词,但每个近义词都有自己的特点和用法。因此,在使用时需要根据具体语境来选择合适的单词。



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