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in the wild

[ɪn ðə waɪld] Meaning: In the wild refers to the natural habitat or environment in which an animal or plant lives and grows. Usage: This phrase is often used to describe animals or plants that are not domesticated and live freely in their natural habitat. Example: 1. In the wild, tigers are known to be solitary animals that hunt alone. 在野外,老虎通常是独居的动物,它们独自猎食。 2. These flowers are only found in the wild, they cannot be grown in a garden. 这些花只能在野外找到,无法在花园里种植。 3. The conservationists are working hard to protect the endangered species in the wild. 保护主义者们正在努力保护野外濒危物种。 4. It's important for animals to learn survival skills while living in the wild. 动物在野外生活期间学习生存技能非常重要。 5. The documentary captured stunning footage of lions hunting in the wild. 这部纪录片拍摄了狮子在野外捕猎的惊人画面。 Synonyms: 1. Natural habitat 2. Untamed environment 3. Wilderness 4. Outdoors 5. Natural surroundings Editor's Summary: "In the wild" is a commonly used phrase to describe animals or plants living freely in their natural habitat. It can also refer to the untamed environment itself. This phrase is often used when discussing ics related to wildlife conservation, animal behavior, and nature documentaries.

in the wild


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