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一:idolize是什么意思 idolize是一个动词,意思是崇拜、崇敬或热爱某人或某物,尤指过度的崇拜。它源自于英语单词“idol”,意为偶像、神像。 二:怎么读(音标) idolize的音标为 /ˈaɪdəlaɪz/,其中重音在第一音节。 三:用法 idolize常用于形容人们对某人或某物的过度崇拜和热爱。它可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词,常与介词“over”连用表示过度。,“He idolizes his favorite singer.”(他非常崇拜他最喜欢的歌手。)“She idolizes her boyfriend and thinks he can do no wrong.”(她非常崇拜她的男朋友,认为他没有任何错。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. She idolizes her favorite celebrity and has posters of him all over her room.(她非常崇拜她最喜欢的名人,在房间里贴满了他的海报。) 2. He was so obsessed with idolizing his boss that he couldn't see his flaws.(他太过于痴迷于崇拜他的老板,无法看到他的缺点。) 3. Many young girls idolize models and strive to look like them.(许多年轻女孩崇拜模特,并努力变得像她们一样。) 4. The singer's fans idolize her and follow her every move on social media.(这位歌手的粉丝们非常崇拜她,在社交媒体上关注着她的一举一动。) 5. The new movie idolizes the life of a famous actor, but in reality, it was filled with struggles and hardships.(这部新电影把一位著名演员的生活神化了,但实际上,它充满了挣扎和艰辛。) 五:同义词及用法 1. worship:意为崇拜、敬仰,强调对某人或某物的虔诚和尊敬。,“The villagers worshiped the god every day.”(村民们每天都会祭拜这个神。) 2. adore:意为爱慕、崇拜,强调对某人或某物的强烈喜爱和敬仰。,“She adores her husband and would do anything for him.”(她非常爱慕她的丈夫,愿意为他做任何事情。) 3. venerate:意为尊敬、敬仰,强调对某人或某物的崇高和庄严。,“The ancient Greeks venerated their gods and goddesses.”(古希腊人尊敬他们的神和女神。) 六:编辑总结 idolize是一个常用于形容人们对某人或某物的过度崇拜和热爱的动词,它可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。在使用时,需要注意避免过度崇拜和盲目追随。同义词包括worship、adore和venerate等,但它们在强调程度和语境上有所不同。



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