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一:hot是什么意思啊的意思: hot是一个英语单词,可以作形容词或名词使用。作形容词时,常用来形容物体或环境温度高、温暖的状态;作名词时,常用来指热量或热气。 二:怎么读(音标): hot [hɒt] 三:用法: 1. 作形容词时,常用来描述物体或环境的温度高、温暖的状态。: - The soup is too hot to eat. (这汤太烫了,吃不了。) - It's so hot today, let's go swimming. (今天太热了,我们去游泳吧。) - The sun was shining hotly on the beach. (阳光在海滩上炽烈地晒着。) 2. 作名词时,常用来指热量或热气。: - The hot of the fire warmed us up. (火堆散发出的热量使我们暖和起来。) - I can feel the hot of the steam from the kettle. (我能感觉到水壶里蒸汽的热气。) 3. 另外,hot还可以用来表示“流行的、受欢迎的”、“激动的、兴奋的”等含义。: - This new song is really hot! (这首新歌真的很火!) - The hot news spread quickly on social media. (这条热门新闻在社交媒体上迅速传播开来。) - She is always hot for new adventures. (她总是渴望新的冒险。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The coffee is too hot to drink. (这咖啡太烫了,喝不了。) 2. I can't wait to try the hot new restaurant in town. (我迫不及待想去尝试城里最火的新餐厅。) 3. The hot weather makes me want to stay indoors all day. (天气太热,我想整天都呆在室内。) 4. The hot of the sun was unbearable, so we decided to take a break in the shade. (太阳的热量让人无法忍受,所以我们决定在阴凉处休息一下。) 5. Her performance was so hot that the audience gave her a standing ovation. (她的表演太精彩了,观众都起立鼓掌致敬。) 五:同义词及用法: 1. warm:与hot一样可以作形容词或名词使用,但warm更强调舒适和温暖的感觉,通常指比较温和的温度。 例句:The room is warm and cozy. (房间里温暖舒适。) 2. heated:作形容词时,常用来描述比较高的温度,也可以表示激烈的情绪或争论。 例句:The heated debate lasted for hours. (激烈的争论持续了几个小时。) 3. scorching:作形容词时,常用来形容极端高温的天气或物体表面的炽热。 例句:We had to hide under the umbrella to escape from the scorching sun. (我们不得不躲在伞下避开炽热的阳光。) 4. popular:作形容词时,可以表示“流行的、受欢迎的”,与hot含义相近。 例句:The new TV series is becoming very popular among young people. (这部新电视剧在年轻人中越来越受欢迎。) 六:编辑总结: hot是一个常用的英语单词,它可以作形容词或名词使用,主要含义是“温暖的、高温的”、“流行的、受欢迎的”、“激动的、兴奋的”等。除了基本含义外,还有一些近义词可以替换使用,但每个单词都有自己特定的语境和用法,请根据具体情况选择合适的词汇。



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