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一:hopelessly什么意思的意思: hopelessly是一个副词,意为“无望地”,“绝望地”,“无助地”。 二:怎么读(音标): [həʊplɪsli] 三:用法: hopelessly可以用来修饰动词、形容词或者副词,表示某事没有希望或者无法实现。也可以作为状语放在句子的最前面或者最后面。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. She looked at him hopelessly, knowing that he would never love her back. 她绝望地看着他,知道他永远不会爱她。 2. The situation seemed hopelessly complicated and there was no easy solution. 这种情况看起来非常复杂,没有简单的解决办法。 3. He had been searching for his lost dog for days, but hopelessly. 他已经寻找失踪的狗几天了,但是毫无希望。 4. The old man was hopelessly lost in the big city, unable to find his way back home. 老人在这个大城市里彻底迷失了方向,找不到回家的路。 5. The company was in a hopeless financial situation and had to declare bankruptcy. 公司陷入了绝境的财务状况,不得不宣告破产。 五:同义词及用法: 1. Desperately:表示非常绝望、拼命的,通常指在无法改变的情况下仍然努力。 例句:She was desperately trying to save her failing marriage. 2. Forlornly:表示孤单、悲伤和失望,通常指某人心里的情感。 例句:He looked forlornly at the empty seat next to him, missing his late wife. 3. Helplessly:表示无能为力、无助和不知所措。 例句:The child cried helplessly as he watched his balloon fly away. 4. Hopelessly devoted:表示无条件地爱着某人,通常用来形容爱情。 例句:She was hopelessly devoted to her husband, even though he had betrayed her. 六:编辑总结: hopelessly是一个负面的副词,用来形容没有希望或者无法实现的事情。在写作中,可以通过使用同义词或者加入具体的场景来丰富表达。但是要注意避免过度使用该词,以免造成文笔单调。



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