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[həʊt] n. 热情;活力;热烈的欢迎 hoat is a noun that refers to passion, energy, or a warm welcome. Usage: Hoat can be used as a noun to describe someone's enthusiasm or zest for life. It can also refer to the warmth and excitement of a greeting or reception. Examples: 1. Her hoat for life was infectious, and she always brought energy and positivity to any situation. 她对生活的热情是具有感染力的,她总是给任何场合带来能量和积极性。 2. The crowd gave a loud hoat as the team entered the stadium. 当球队进入体育场时,人群发出了一阵响亮的欢呼声。 3. The hoat of the audience was palpable as the singer took the stage. 歌手登台时,观众的热情可以感受到。 4. We were greeted with hoats and hugs by our friends when we arrived at the party. 当我们到达派对时,朋友们用热情的拥抱和欢呼来迎接我们。 5. The hoat in the room was electric as everyone waited for the winner to be announced. 当每个人等待获胜者宣布时,房间里充满了兴奋气氛。 Synonyms: passion, enthusiasm, zeal, fervor Editor's Summary: Hoat is a versatile word that can refer to both personal energy and excitement in a social setting. It is often used to describe someone's passion for life or the warmth and enthusiasm of a greeting. Synonyms such as passion, enthusiasm, and zeal can be used interchangeably with hoat to convey a similar meaning.



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