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/'hɪndənbɜːg/ noun Hindenburg: a type of airship that was used in the early 20th century, especially by Germany. It was named after Paul von Hindenburg, a German military commander and politician. 1. The word "Hindenburg" refers to a type of airship that was used in the early 20th century, particularly by Germany. It is named after Paul von Hindenburg, a German military commander and politician. 这个词指的是一种在20世纪初被德国广泛使用的飞艇,它以德国指挥官和家保罗·冯·兴登堡命名。 2. /'hɪndənbɜːg/ This word is pronounced as "hɪndənbɜːg", with the emphasis on the first syllable. 这个词的发音为"hɪndənbɜːg",重音在第一个音节上。 3. This word can be used as a proper noun to refer to the specific type of airship or as an adjective to describe something related to it. 这个词可以作为专有名词来指代特定类型的飞艇,也可以作为形容词来描述与之相关的事物。 4. Examples: - The Hindenburg was one of the largest airships ever built. - 兴登堡号是有史以来最大的飞艇之一。 - The Hindenburg disaster occurred in 1937 when the airship caught fire and crashed during its journey from Germany to the United States. - 兴登堡号灾难发生在1937年,当时这艘飞艇在从德国飞往美国的途中起火坠毁。 - The Hindenburg was named after Paul von Hindenburg, a prominent figure in German history. - 兴登堡号以德国历史上著名人物保罗·冯·兴登堡命名。 5. Synonyms: - Zeppelin: another type of airship that was used during the same time period as the Hindenburg. - 齐柏林飞艇:与兴登堡号同一时期使用的另一种飞艇。 - Airship: a general term for any type of lighter-than-air aircraft, including both blimps and rigid airships like the Hindenburg. - 飞艇:指任何一种轻于空气的航空器,包括气球和刚性飞艇,如兴登堡号。 - Dirigible: a synonym for airship, often used to refer to a navigable balloon or blimp. - 气球:飞艇的同义词,通常用来指可以操纵的气球或气囊。 6. In conclusion, Hindenburg is a word that refers to a specific type of airship and can also be used as an adjective. It is pronounced as "hɪndənbɜːg" and is named after Paul von Hindenburg. Other words that are synonymous with it include Zeppelin, Airship, and Dirigible.



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