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hedging是一个动词,指的是通过采取预防措施来避免或减少风险或损失。它也可以用作名词,表示为了规避风险而采取的行动或措施。 怎么读 hedging的音标为 /ˈhɛdʒɪŋ/。 用法 1. 作为动词使用: - He hedged his bets by investing in multiple stocks. (他通过投资多种股票来规避风险。) - The company is hedging against currency fluctuations by buying futures contracts. (公司正在通过购买期货合约来对冲货币波动。) 2. 作为名词使用: - We need to have a hedging strategy in place to protect ourselves from potential losses. (我们需要制定一项对冲策略,以保护自己免受潜在的损失。) - The farmer used hedging to protect his crops from the unpredictable weather. (这位农民利用对冲来保护他的庄稼免受不可预测的天气影响。) 例句 1. The company is hedging its risks by diversifying its product range. (这家公司通过多样化产品范围来规避风险。) 2. She decided to hedge her bets and apply for both jobs, just in case. (她决定两份工作都申请一下,以防万一。) 3. The investor hedged his position by buying put options on the stock. (这位投资者通过购买股票的看跌期权来对冲他的头寸。) 4. The farmer used hedging to protect his crops from the unpredictable weather. (这位农民利用对冲来保护他的庄稼免受不可预测的天气影响。) 5. The company is hedging against potential losses by purchasing insurance policies. (公司正在通过购买保险来规避潜在的损失。) 同义词及用法 - Mitigate: 减轻,缓解,通常指采取措施来减轻某种情况或问题。 - Protect: 保护,防护,指采取措施来防止损失或危害。 - Safeguard: 保护,维护,强调采取行动来确保安全或保护免受损害。 编辑总结 hedging是一个常用于金融和商业领域的术语,它可以指采取措施来规避风险或减少损失,也可以指为了规避风险而采取的行动或措施。在投资和经营中,hedging是一种常见的策略,可以帮助人们降低风险并保护自己免受损失。除了金融和商业领域,hedging也可以用于其他领域,如农业和保险。因此,了解hedging的含义及其用法对于理财和风险管理至关重要。



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