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hanging out with friends

一:hanging out with friends的意思 hanging out with friends是指和朋友们一起外出、聚会或娱乐的活动。这个短语通常用来形容一群朋友在闲暇时光一起做各种有趣的事情,逛街、看电影、打球等。 二:怎么读(音标) [hæŋɪŋ aʊt wɪð frends] 三:用法 hanging out with friends作为一个短语,通常用来表示一群朋友在一起共同度过闲暇时光。它可以作为动词短语,也可以作为名词短语使用。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. I love hanging out with friends on the weekends. (我喜欢周末和朋友们一起出去玩。) 2. Hanging out with friends is a great way to relax after a busy week. (在忙碌了一周后,和朋友们聚会是放松的好方法。) 3. We often hang out with friends at the park, playing frisbee or having a picnic. (我们经常在公园里和朋友们聚会,玩飞盘或者野餐。) 4. Hanging out with friends can be as simple as staying in and watching movies together. (和朋友们一起出去玩也可以很简单,比如一起在家看电影。) 5. I miss hanging out with friends during the pandemic, but we still keep in touch through video calls. (在期间,我很想和朋友们一起出去玩,但我们仍然通过视频通话保持。) 五:同义词及用法 1. Socializing with friends: 和朋友们社交 2. Hanging around with friends: 和朋友们闲逛 3. Chilling with friends: 和朋友们放松 4. Spending time with friends: 和朋友们共度时光 六:编辑总结 hanging out with friends是一个常用的短语,它可以表示和朋友们一起外出、聚会或娱乐的活动。这个短语可以作为动词短语或者名词短语使用,常见的同义词有socializing, hanging around, chilling和spending time。无论是在日常生活中还是文学作品中,这个短语都可以用来形容人与人之间的友谊和欢乐。

hanging out with friends


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