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/'gliːmi/ adj. 闪光的;闪烁的 Gleamy is an adjective that describes something that shines or sparkles. Gleamy是一个形容词,用来描述发光或闪烁的东西。 1. The gleamy stars in the night sky were mesmerizing. 夜空中闪烁的星星令人着迷。 2. The gleamy crystals on the chandelier reflected light throughout the room. 枝形吊灯上闪烁着的水晶反射出整个房间的光芒。 3. The gleamy metal of the new car caught everyone's attention. 新车上发亮的金属吸引了所有人的注意力。 4. His eyes were gleamy with excitement as he opened his birthday present. 当他打开生日礼物时,他激动得眼睛都发亮了。 5. The sun shone down on the lake, making it gleamy and inviting for a swim. 阳光照耀在湖面上,让它变得明亮诱人,适合游泳。 Synonyms for Gleamy: 1. Shiny - something that reflects light and appears bright 2. Glittery - something that sparkles or shines in a way that is attractive 3. Lustrous - something that has a soft shine or glow to it 4. Radiant - something that gives off a strong, bright light 5. Glistening - something that is wet or oily and reflects light 同义词: 1. Shiny - 反射光线并且看起来很亮的东西 2. Glittery - 闪烁或发光的东西,具有吸引力 3. Lustrous - 具有柔和光泽或光芒的东西 4. Radiant - 发出强烈明亮光芒的东西 5. Glistening - 湿润或油腻并反射光线的东西 Editor's Summary: In summary, gleamy is an adjective used to describe something that shines or sparkles. It can be used to describe natural or artificial sources of light, as well as objects that reflect light in an attractive way. Some synonyms for gleamy include shiny, glittery, lustrous, radiant, and glistening. When using this word, it is important to consider the context and choose a synonym that best fits the description.



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