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furthermore [ˌfəːðə'mɔː(r)] 用法:副词,表示进一步地,此外 例句1:Furthermore, the company has decided to expand its business to international markets. 此外,公司已决定将业务扩展到国际市场。 例句2:The new product is not only more efficient but furthermore, it is also environmentally friendly. 这款新产品不仅更高效,而且还环保。 例句3:I have finished my work for today. Furthermore, I have already started on tomorrow's tasks. 我今天的工作已经完成了。此外,我已经开始明天的任务了。 例句4:She loves to travel and furthermore, she speaks multiple languages fluently. 她热爱旅行,而且她能流利地说多种语言。 例句5:The company offers competitive salaries and benefits. Furthermore, employees have opportunities for career growth and development. 公司提供具有竞争力的薪资和福利。此外,员工还有职业发展和成长的机会。 同义词及用法: 1. Moreover [mɔːr'əʊvə] 用法:副词,表示除此之外、此外 例句:Moreover, the study also found a correlation between diet and overall health. 2. Additionally [ə'dɪʃ(ə)n(ə)li] 用法:副词,表示增加地、额外地 例句:Additionally, the report includes recommendations for improving workplace safety. 3. Furthermore [ˌfəːðə'mɔː(r)] 用法:副词,表示进一步地、此外 例句:Furthermore, the company has decided to expand its business to international markets. 4. In addition [ɪn ə'dɪʃ(ə)n] 用法:介词短语,表示除此之外、此外 例句:In addition to his full-time job, he also volunteers at a local charity organization. 5. What's more [wɒts mɔːr] 用法:短语,表示更重要的是、此外 例句:The team won the championship and, what's more, they broke several records in the process. 编辑总结: furthermore是一个常用的副词,可以用来表达进一步地、此外的意思。它可以用在句首或者句中,起到连接上下文和补充信息的作用。在写作中,使用furthermore可以使文章更加连贯和流畅。除了furthermore之外,还有许多同义词可以替代使用,如Moreover、Additionally等。因此,在写作时可以根据具体语境选择合适的词语来表达相同的意思。



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