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意思:友谊;友情 怎么读(音标):[ˈfren(d)ʃɪp] 用法:名词,可数 例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. Our friendships are like flowers, blooming with love and care. (我们的友谊就像鲜花一样,充满了爱与关怀。) 2. True friendships can withstand the test of time and distance. (真正的友谊能经得起时间和距离的考验。) 3. He treasures his friendships more than anything else in the world. (他把他的友谊看得比世界上任何东西都重要。) 4. The bond of our friendships is unbreakable, no matter what challenges we face. (我们友谊的纽带是坚不可摧的,无论面对什么挑战。) 5. I am grateful for all the friendships that have enriched my life. (我感激所有让我生活更加充实的友情。) 同义词及用法: 1. Companionship (n.) - a close association between people who share experiences or activities together Example: The companionship between the two friends was evident in their mutual understanding and support for each other. 2. Camaraderie (n.) - a feeling of trust and friendship among a group of people who have worked or experienced something together Example: The camaraderie among the members of the team was crucial in achieving their common goal. 3. Fellowship (n.) - friendly association among people who share similar interests or activities Example: The fellowship among the members of the club created a sense of belonging and community. 4. Amity (n.) - a friendly and peaceful relationship between people or countries Example: The amity between the two nations was strengthened through cultural exchanges and collaborations. 5. Kinship (n.) - a close relationship between people based on shared characteristics, interests, or beliefs Example: The kinship between the two sisters was evident in their similar personalities and values. 编辑总结: Friendships是指人与人之间的友谊关系,它可以是由共同的经历、兴趣、价值观等因素所构建的亲密关系。友谊是人类最宝贵的财富之一,它能给我们带来温暖、支持和快乐。在生活中,我们需要珍惜并维护好自己的友谊,因为它们能带给我们无穷的力量和幸福。



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