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figure out和find out

figure out [ˈfɪɡjər aʊt] find out [faɪnd aʊt] 一:figure out和find out的意思 figure out是一个动词短语,意为“理解,弄清楚,解决(问题)”,通常指通过思考、计算或试验来弄清楚某件事情。而find out也是一个动词短语,意为“,找到(、答案等)”,通常指通过调查、探究或询问等方式来获得信息。 二:怎么读(音标) figure out的读音为[ˈfɪɡjər aʊt],其中第一个单词“figure”的重音在第二个音节,“out”的重音在第一个音节。而find out的读音为[faɪnd aʊt],其中两个单词都是重读音节。 三:用法 1. figure out的主语通常是人,指通过思考、计算或试验等方式来弄清楚某件事情。它可以接宾语或从句作宾语补足语。 例句: - Can you figure out the answer to this riddle? (你能解出这个谜题的答案吗?) - It took me a while to figure out how to use this new software. (我花了一些时间才弄清楚如何使用这个新软件。) - She figured out that her husband had been lying to her. (她她丈夫一直在对她撒谎。) 2. find out的主语可以是人或物,指通过调查、探究或询问等方式来获得信息。它通常接宾语或介词短语作宾语补足语。 例句: - I need to find out where the nearest post office is. (我需要找出最近的邮局在哪里。) - The detective found out that the suspect had an alibi for the night of the crime. (侦探嫌疑人在案发当晚有不在场证明。) - We finally found out the truth about what happened that day. (我们终于找到了那天发生的事情的。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. It took me a while to figure out how to solve this math problem. (我花了一些时间才弄清楚如何解决这道数学题。) 2. She finally figured out what was causing her computer to crash. (她终于弄清楚是什么导致她的电脑崩溃。) 3. The police are trying to figure out who is behind these series of burglaries. (正在努力找出是谁策划了这连续的入室盗窃案件。) 4. After months of research, they were able to find out the cure for this rare disease. (经过数月的研究,他们终于找到了这种罕见疾病的治愈方法。) 5. The children were excited to find out that they were going to Disneyland. (孩子们兴奋地他们要去迪士尼乐园了。) 五:同义词及用法 1. puzzle out:与figure out意思相近,指通过思考来解决问题。 2. work out:指通过努力和计划来解决问题。 3. discover:与find out意思相近,指新事物或。 4. uncover:指揭露、隐藏的事物或。 5. unearth:指从地下或其他隐蔽处发掘出来。 六:编辑总结 figure out和find out虽然都有“弄清楚”的意思,但它们的用法和语气有所不同。figure out更强调通过思考、计算或试验等方式来解决问题,而find out则更侧重于通过调查、探究或询问等方式来获得信息。在实际使用中,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的动词短语来表达自己想要表达的意思。

figure out和find out


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