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一:feather什么意思的意思 feather是一个英语单词,作为名词时,指鸟类身上的羽毛;作为动词时,指给(箭、帽子等)装上羽毛,也可以表示轻轻触摸或拂拭。 二:怎么读(音标) 英 [ˈfeðə(r)] 美 [ˈfɛðər] 三:用法 1. 作为名词: a. 指鸟类身上的羽毛:The bird's feathers were all different colors.(这只鸟的羽毛都是不同的颜色。) b. 指装饰品或服装上使用的假羽毛:She wore a hat with feathers on it.(她戴着一顶带有羽毛的帽子。) 2. 作为动词: a. 给(箭、帽子等)装上羽毛:He carefully feathered the arrow before shooting it.(他在射箭前仔细给箭装上了羽毛。) b. 轻轻触摸或拂拭:She gently feathered his hair with her fingers.(她用手指轻柔地拂过他的头发。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The peacock's feathers were so beautiful that they caught everyone's attention. 这只孔雀的羽毛非常漂亮,吸引了所有人的注意力。 2. She added some feather details to her costume to make it look more realistic. 她在服装上添加了一些羽毛细节,使其看起来更加逼真。 3. The hunter carefully feathered his arrows before heading out to the woods. 这位猎人在出发前仔细给箭装上了羽毛。 4. The ballerina gracefully moved across the stage, her feather-like tutu floating behind her. 芭蕾舞演员优雅地在舞台上移动,她身后飘动着像羽毛一样的芭蕾裙。 5. He felt a light feather touch on his shoulder and turned around to see who it was. 他感觉到肩膀被轻轻触摸,转过身去看是谁。 五:同义词及用法 1. plume:作为名词时,指鸟类的长而华丽的羽毛;作为动词时,指给(帽子等)装饰上长而华丽的羽毛。 例句:The peacock's plumes were used as decorations for the wedding ceremony. 这只孔雀的长而华丽的羽毛被用作婚礼仪式的装饰品。 2. quill:作为名词时,指鹅毛笔;作为动词时,指用鹅毛笔写。 例句:She carefully dipped the quill into the ink and began to write a letter. 她小心地把鹅毛笔蘸入墨水,开始写信。 3. pluck:作为名词时,指动物身上被拔下的羽毛;作为动词时,指拔下或摘取。 例句:The hunter plucked the feathers from the bird's body after he shot it. 猎人在射杀了这只鸟后,拔下了它身上的羽毛。 六:编辑总结 feather是一个常用的英语单词,既可以作为名词表示鸟类身上的羽毛,也可以作为动词表示给(箭、帽子等)装上羽毛。除此之外,它还有轻轻触摸或拂拭的含义。在日常生活中,我们可以用feather来描述美丽的鸟类羽毛、服装上使用的假羽毛以及给箭装上羽毛等情况。同时,feather还有一些近义词如plume、quill和pluck等,在不同语境中可以替换使用。



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