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/ fɔːnz / 1. n. 雌鹿 2. vt. 撒谎 3. vi. 假装 4. n. (Fawns)人名;(英)福恩斯 用法: fawns作为名词时,指雌鹿,作为动词时,有撒谎、假装的意思。同时,Fawns也是一个人名。 例句: 1. The fawn was grazing in the meadow. 这只雌鹿正在草地上吃草。 2. She fawned over her young son, always trying to please him. 她总是对自己的小儿子百般讨好。 3. He fawned on his boss, hoping for a promotion. 他向老板巴结,希望能得到晋升。 4. Fawns is a popular name for girls in some English-speaking countries. 在一些英语,Fawns是一个流行的女孩名字。 5. He's such a fawn, always pretending to be nice to get what he wants. 他就是个假惺惺的人,总是装出一副好人样子来达到自己的目的。 同义词及用法: 1. deer (n.) 鹿;(pl)鹿类动物 The deer ran gracefully through the forest. 鹿在森林中优雅地跑过。 2. doe (n.) 雌鹿 The doe and her fawn grazed peacefully in the meadow. 那只雌鹿和她的小鹿在草地上平静地吃草。 3. pretend (v.) 假装 She pretended to be sick so she could stay home from school. 她假装生病,这样就可以不用去上学了。 4. flatter (v.) 奉承 He flattered his boss in the hopes of getting a raise. 他奉承老板,希望能得到加薪。 5. deceive (v.) 欺骗;蒙骗 She deceived her friends into thinking she was rich. 她欺骗朋友们以为她很有钱。 编辑总结: fawns作为名词时,指雌鹿,作为动词时,有撒谎、假装的意思。同时,Fawns也是一个人名。在使用时要注意区分其不同的含义。同义词包括deer、doe、pretend、flatter和deceive等。



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