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英[fɑːmhaʊzɪz] 美[fɑːrmhaʊzɪz] n. 农舍;农家 用法: farmhouses是farmhouse的复数形式,表示“农舍;农家”。其作为名词,可数,不可数。 例句1:The farmhouses are all made of wood, which is very characteristic of the local style. 这些农舍都是木制的,这在当地风格上非常有特色。 例句2:The farmhouses in this area are all well-preserved and have a history of over 100 years. 这个地区的农舍都保存得很好,有着100多年的历史。 例句3:The old couple moved to the countryside and bought a small farmhouse, enjoying a peaceful life. 老夫妇搬到了乡下,买了一间小农舍,过着宁静的生活。 例句4:Many tourists come to this village to experience the rural life and stay in traditional farmhouses. 许多游客来到这个村子体验乡村生活,在传统的农舍里住宿。 例句5:The government has launched a program to renovate old farmhouses and turn them into rural homestays for tourists. 推出了一个计划,对老旧的农舍进行翻修,并将其改造成乡村民宿供游客居住。 同义词及用法: 1. farmhouse (n.) 农舍,农家 2. country house (n.) 乡村别墅,乡村住宅 3. cottage (n.) 小屋,村舍 4. homestead (n.) 家园,农场 5. rural house (n.) 乡村房屋,农家住宅 编辑总结: farmhouses作为名词,表示“农舍;农家”,可数,不可数。其复数形式多用于描述一个地区或一个社区内的多个农舍。在英美英语中发音略有差异,但意思相同。同义词包括farmhouse、country house、cottage等,均表示乡村或农场中的住宅。在旅游业发达的地区,farmhouses也常被改造成民宿供游客居住。



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