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英 [feɪld] 美 [feɪld] failed的意思是未能成功的,失败的。它是fail的过去分词形式。 读音为[feɪld],其中“ai”发音为[eɪ],“l”发音为[l],“d”发音为[d]。 用法:作动词时,表示未能成功或者不幸地结束,也可以表示未能做到或者达到预期目标。作名词时,则表示失败或者不成功的状态。 例句1:Despite his efforts, he failed to pass the exam. 尽管他努力了,但还是没有通过考试。 例句2:The company has failed to meet its sales target this year. 该公司今年未能达到销售目标。 例句3:The project was a complete failure. 这个项目彻底失败了。 例句4:She failed in her attempt to climb Mount Everest. 她未能成功登顶珠穆朗玛峰。 例句5:I tried my best, but I still failed. 我尽力了,但还是失败了。 同义词及用法: 1. Unsuccessful (adj.) - 未成功的 He was unsuccessful in his job interview. 他的面试不成功。 2. Defeat (v./n.) - 打败/失败 They were defeated by their opponents in the final match. 他们在决赛中被对手打败了。 3. Flop (v./n.) - 失败/失败者 The movie was a complete flop at the box office. 这部电影在票房上彻底失败了。 4. Collapse (v./n.) - 崩溃/崩溃 The company collapsed due to financial difficulties. 由于财务困难,该公司崩溃了。 5. Fiasco (n.) - 大失败 The party was a fiasco as no one showed up. 聚会成了一场大失败,因为没有人来。 编辑总结: Failed是一个常用的词汇,表示未能成功的状态或者动作。它可以作为动词或者名词使用,常与to do sth.或者in sth.搭配使用。同义词有unsuccessful、defeat、flop、collapse和fiasco等。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换failed,以丰富文章内容,避免重复使用同一个词汇。



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