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英 [ɪkˈspəʊz] 美 [ɪkˈspoʊz] vt. 使暴露; 揭露; 使曝光; 使遭受 vi. 变得有名; 暴露 n. 暴露; 揭发; 曝光 用法 1. expose sth/sb to sth 暴露某事物/某人于某物 2. expose yourself to sth 使自己暴露于某事物 3. expose sb/sth as sth 揭发某人/某事物为… 4. expose the truth about sb/sth 揭发关于某人/某事物的 5. be exposed to risk/danger/harm, etc. 面临风险/危险/伤害等 6. be exposed to the elements 暴露在外(无遮无拦) 例句: 1. The report exposes the truth about the company's illegal activities. 这份报告揭发了公司非法活动的。 2. The statue is exposed to the elements, so it is starting to show signs of wear and tear. 这座雕像暴露在外,所以开始显现出磨损的迹象。 3. The whistleblower exposed the corruption within the government. 告密者揭发了内部的问题。 4. She was exposed to radiation during her time working at the nuclear power plant. 她在核电站工作期间暴露于辐射。 5. The documentary exposes the harsh living conditions in the slums. 这部纪录片揭露了贫民窟的恶劣生活条件。 同义词及用法: 1. reveal: vt. 揭示,透露 例句:The investigation revealed that the company had been embezzling funds for years. 调查揭示出这家公司多年来一直在挪用资金。 2. uncover: vt. 揭开, 例句:The detective uncovered new evidence that led to the suspect's arrest. 侦探了新证据,导致嫌疑人被逮捕。 3. disclose: vt. 揭露,泄露 例句:The politician was forced to disclose his financial records to the public. 这位家被迫向公众公开他的财务记录。 4. unmask: vt. 揭穿,暴露 例句:The journalist's investigation helped to unmask the corrupt official. 记者的调查帮助揭穿了官员的真面目。 5. lay bare: 暴露,显露 例句:The scandal laid bare the corruption within the government. 丑闻暴露了内部的问题。 编辑总结: expose一词可以表示暴露、揭发、曝光等含义,常用于描述某事物或某人被公开或。其常用的短语有expose sth/sb to sth、expose yourself to sth、expose sb/sth as sth等。同义词包括reveal、uncover、disclose、unmask和lay bare等,它们都可以表示揭露或暴露某事物或某人。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来丰富文章,使其更加生动有趣。



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