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怎么读:英 ['esəns] 美 ['ɛsns] 用法:essence公司是一家专门生产化妆品和护肤品的公司,总部设在法国巴黎。其产品以高品质的原料和独特的配方闻名,深受消费者的喜爱。 例句1: The essence company has launched a new line of skincare products that are suitable for all skin types. essence公司推出了一系列适合所有肤质的护肤产品。 例句2: I have been using essence's makeup products for years and I am always impressed by their quality and affordability. 我已经使用essence的化妆品多年了,他们的质量和价格总是让我印象深刻。 例句3: The essence company is known for its commitment to using natural and organic ingredients in their products. essence公司以其致力于使用天然和有机成分而闻名。 例句4: I love the essence lip gloss, it gives my lips a beautiful shine without feeling sticky. 我喜欢essence唇彩,它能让我的嘴唇闪闪发光,而不会感觉粘粘的。 例句5: The essence company is constantly innovating and coming up with new and exciting beauty products for its customers. essence公司不断创新,为顾客推出新颖有趣的美容产品。 同义词及用法: 1. extract (n.) - a substance that has been obtained from a plant, flower, or fruit and is used for its flavor or fragrance The essence of lavender is often used in aromatherapy products. 2. core (n.) - the most important or central part of something The core of essence's philosophy is to provide high-quality and affordable beauty products. 3. quintessence (n.) - the purest or most essential form of something The quintessence of essence's skincare line is their use of natural ingredients. 4. fundamental (adj.) - forming a necessary base or core; central Essence believes that having a good skincare routine is fundamental to achieving healthy and beautiful skin. 5. crux (n.) - the decisive or most important point at issue The crux of essence's success lies in their ability to cater to the needs and wants of their customers. 编辑总结: 在化妆品和护肤品市场竞争激烈的今天,essence公司凭借其高品质的产品和独特的配方,赢得了消费者的信任和喜爱。其致力于使用天然和有机成分,不断创新推出新产品,以满足顾客的需求。作为一家专门生产化妆品和护肤品的公司,essence始终将顾客的健康和美丽放在第一位。



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