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一:embarrassment翻译中文的意思 尴尬,难堪,为难 二:怎么读(音标) 英 [ɪmˈbærəsmənt] 美 [ɪmˈbærəsmənt] 三:用法 名词,形容一种情绪或状态,指因为某种原因而感到不自在、不安或不知所措的心理状态。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The girl's face flushed with embarrassment when she tripped and fell in front of the whole class. 当女孩在全班同学面前摔倒时,她的脸涨得通红,感到很尴尬。 2. He couldn't hide his embarrassment when his boss pointed out the mistake in his report. 当老板指出他报告中的错误时,他无法掩饰自己的尴尬。 3. She felt a sense of embarrassment at the party, as she didn't know anyone there. 她在派对上感到尴尬,因为她不认识那里的任何人。 4. The politician tried to smile through his embarrassment when he was caught in a scandal. 当家陷入丑闻时,他试图微笑来掩饰自己的尴尬。 5. I could see the embarrassment on her face as she realized she had forgotten her lines during the play. 我可以看出她脸上的难堪,当她意识到在演出时忘记了台词。 五:同义词及用法 1. Shame:指一种自我感觉的羞耻、内疚或悲伤的情绪,通常由于自己的行为或某种引起。 例句:He felt a deep sense of shame for not standing up for his friend. 2. Discomfort:指一种身体上或心理上的不舒服或不安,可以是由于环境、气候等原因引起。 例句:The uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room caused her great discomfort. 3. Awkwardness:指一种笨拙、尴尬或不自然的感觉,通常是由于缺乏经验或处于陌生环境中。 例句:He felt a sense of awkwardness when he was asked to dance at the party. 4. Humiliation:指一种被羞辱、侮辱或使人丢脸的感觉,通常由他人的言语或行为引起。 例句:The team's loss in the championship game was a source of great humiliation for them. 5. Mortification:指一种极度羞愧、耻辱或悔恨的感觉,通常由于自己的过错或失败而引起。 例句:She couldn't hide her mortification when she realized she had sent the wrong email to her boss. 六:编辑总结 Embarrassment是一种心理状态,指因为某种原因而感到不自在、不安或不知所措的情绪。它可以由各种原因引起,如自己的行为、他人的言语或环境等。同义词有shame、discomfort、awkwardness、humiliation和mortification,但它们在表达上有些微的差别。在使用时,需要根据具体情况选择合适的词语来描述自己或他人的心理状态。



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