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1. 名词:effective [ɪˈfektɪv] 2. 副词:effectively [ɪˈfektɪvli] 用法: 名词effective指的是有效的、实际的,可以产生预期结果的事物。副词effectively则表示有效地、实际上、事实上。 例句: 1. The new policy has proved to be very effective in reducing crime rates. 这项新已经证明在减少犯罪率方面非常有效。 2. The medicine is not very effective in treating this type of illness. 这种药对治疗这种类型的疾病并不是很有效。 3. The company's marketing strategy was not as effective as they had hoped. 公司的营销策略没有他们希望的那么有效。 4. She communicates effectively with her team and always gets the job done. 她与团队沟通效果很好,总能完成任务。 5. The new software has helped us work more effectively and efficiently. 这款新软件帮助我们更有效率地工作。 同义词及用法: 1. efficient [ɪˈfɪʃnt] (adj.):高效的、有效率的。与effective相比,efficient更强调达到预期结果所需花费的时间和精力较少。 例句:The new system has made our work more efficient and we can now finish tasks faster. 2. productive [prəˈdʌktɪv] (adj.):有成效的、多产的。与effective相比,productive更强调产出的结果和数量。 例句:The new machine has made our production process more productive and we can now produce more goods in less time. 3. successful [səkˈsesfl] (adj.):成功的、有效的。与effective相比,successful更强调达到预期目标。 例句:The new marketing campaign was very successful in increasing sales. 编辑总结: effective是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以作为名词和副词使用,分别表示有效的事物和有效地做某件事情。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择使用名词或副词形式。同时,我们也可以通过使用同义词来丰富表达,efficient、productive和successful等。总之,准确地使用effective可以让我们的文章更加生动有力,并且能够有效地表达我们想要传达的信息。



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