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英 [ˈdʌskə(r)] 美 [ˈdʌskər] 名词:暗影,阴暗,黄昏 形容词:黑暗的,朦胧的 用法:作为名词时,dusker指的是“暗影、阴暗、黄昏”等含义;作为形容词时,dusker则表示“黑暗的、朦胧的”等含义。 例句1:The dusker of the night slowly enveloped the city, bringing a sense of mystery and danger. 夜晚的阴影慢慢笼罩了这座城市,带来一种神秘和危险的感觉。 例句2:The dusker sky was filled with stars, creating a beautiful and serene atmosphere. 天空中充满了星星,营造出美丽宁静的氛围。 例句3:She stood in the dusker corner of the room, her face hidden in shadow. 她站在房间最暗的角落,脸被阴影遮住。 例句4:As the sun set, the dusker shades of purple and orange painted the sky. 太阳落山时,紫色和橙色交织出黄昏般的色彩填满了天空。 例句5:The old castle was shrouded in dusker tones, adding to its eerie and haunted appearance. 那座古老的城堡被暗淡的色调笼罩着,增添了它神秘而恐怖的外观。 同义词及用法: 1. Twilight (名词):黄昏,暮光 例句:The dusker sky gradually turned into a beautiful twilight, with shades of pink and purple. 2. Shadow (名词):阴影,影子 例句:The dusker shadows of the trees danced on the ground, creating a magical atmosphere. 3. Dim (形容词):昏暗的,朦胧的 例句:The dusker light in the room made it difficult to read. 4. Murky (形容词):阴暗的,朦胧的 例句:The dusker waters of the lake hid many secrets beneath its surface. 5. Gloomy (形容词):阴沉的,忧郁的 例句:The dusker weather matched her gloomy mood perfectly. 编辑总结: dusker是一个多义词,在不同语境下可以作为名词或形容词使用。作为名词时,它指的是“暗影、阴暗、黄昏”等含义;作为形容词时,则表示“黑暗的、朦胧的”等含义。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换dusker,以避免重复使用。同时,在翻译时也要注意准确地把握其含义,以免造成歧义。



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