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duality together

[ˈduːələti təˈɡeðə] n. 双重性;二元性 adj. 双重的;二元的 用法: Duality together是一个由两个单词组成的短语,分别为duality和together。duality是名词,表示“双重性”或“二元性”,而together是副词,表示“一起”或“共同”。因此,duality together可以理解为“双重性一起”的意思。 例句: 1. The concept of duality together is often used in philosophy to explain the coexistence of opposite forces. 双重性一起的概念经常被用于哲学中来解释相反力量的共存。 2. In quantum mechanics, the principle of duality together suggests that particles can exist as both waves and particles simultaneously. 在量子力学中,双重性一起的原理表明粒子可以同时存在为波和粒子。 3. The duality together of good and evil has been a recurring theme in literature throughout history. 善恶的双重性一起是历史上文学作品中经常出现的主题。 4. The film explores the duality together of love and hate in a complex relationship between two characters. 这部电影探讨了两个角色之间复杂关系中爱与恨的双重性一起。 5. The artist's work reflects the duality together of nature and technology in modern society. 艺术家的作品反映了现代社会自然与技术的双重性一起。 同义词及用法: 1. Dichotomy (n.) - a division into two parts or categories The dichotomy between rich and poor is a pressing issue in our society. 2. Paradox (n.) - a seemingly contradictory statement that may be true The idea of duality together presents a paradox in the concept of unity. 3. Dualism (n.) - the belief in the existence of two opposing principles or forces The philosophy of dualism suggests that there are both good and evil forces at work in the world. 4. Harmony (n.) - a state of peaceful coexistence or agreement The duality together of different cultures can lead to harmony and understanding. 5. Symbiosis (n.) - a mutually beneficial relationship between two organisms or things In nature, we can see the symbiosis between plants and animals for survival. 编辑总结: Duality together是一个描述双重性或二元性的短语,可以用来表达相反或对立的概念共存的情况。它可以用于哲学、科学、文学等领域,也可以用来描述人类关系和社会现象。除了常见的同义词如dichotomy和dualism外,还可以使用一些近义词如paradox和symbiosis来丰富表达。总之,duality together是一个有着丰富内涵和使用场景的短语,能够帮助我们更好地理解世界和人类关系。

duality together


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