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dotcom boom

[ˈdɒtkɒm buːm] noun 1. 网络热潮,指互联网公司和网络业务在1990年代末至2000年初迅速发展的时期。 The dotcom boom refers to the rapid growth of internet companies and online businesses in the late 1990s and early 2000s. 例句: 1. The dotcom boom saw the rise of many successful internet companies such as Amazon, Google, and eBay. 网络热潮见证了亚马逊、谷歌和eBay等众多成功的互联网公司的崛起。 2. Many investors were eager to invest in dotcom companies during the boom, hoping to make a quick profit. 网络热潮期间,许多投资者都急于投资于互联网公司,希望能够快速获利。 3. The dotcom boom led to a surge in demand for technology-related jobs, such as web developers and software engineers. 网络热潮导致对技术相关职位的需求激增,如网页开发人员和软件工程师。 4. The burst of the dotcom bubble in 2000 resulted in many internet companies going bankrupt. 2000年网络泡沫破裂导致许多互联网公司破产。 5. Despite the collapse of many dotcom companies, some survived and became successful long-term businesses. 尽管许多互联网公司倒闭,但仍有一些存活下来,并发展成为成功的长期企业。 同义词:internet boom, tech boom 用法类似,指网络行业和科技行业的迅速发展。 编辑总结: dotcom boom一词指的是20世纪90年代末至2000年初互联网公司和网络业务迅速发展的时期。这一时期见证了许多成功的互联网公司的崛起,也导致了对技术相关职位的需求激增。然而,2000年网络泡沫破裂导致许多互联网公司倒闭,但仍有一些存活下来并发展成为成功的长期企业。dotcom boom可以和internet boom、tech boom等同义词互换使用。

dotcom boom


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