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[dɪˈstræktərz] n. 干扰因素,误导性选项;分散注意力的事物 用法:distractors是一个名词,指的是可以干扰或者误导人们注意力的事物。在教育考试中,distractors通常指的是选择题中的干扰项。 例句1:The teacher deliberately added some distractors in the multiple choice questions to test the students' understanding of the ic.老师在选择题中故意加入了一些干扰项,来测试学生对该主题的理解程度。 例句2:The distractors in this exam were so tricky that I almost chose the wrong answer.这次考试中的干扰项太狡猾了,我差点选错答案。 例句3:It is important for students to learn how to identify and eliminate distractors in order to improve their test-taking skills.学生们学会辨别和排除干扰项对于提高他们的考试技巧非常重要。 例句4:The survey results were affected by various distractors, such as leading questions and biased samples.调查结果受到多种干扰因素的影响,如引导性问题和偏倚样本。 例句5:The scientists had to eliminate all possible distractors in their experiment in order to get accurate results.科学家们必须排除所有可能的干扰因素,以获得准确的实验结果。 同义词及用法:distractions (n. 分心的事物,干扰因素);interferences (n. 干扰,干涉);obstacles (n. 障碍物,阻碍)。这些词都可以用来表示干扰或者阻碍人们达到目标的事物。 编辑总结:distractors是一个常见的教育术语,在考试和测试中经常被提及。它指的是可以干扰或者误导人们注意力的事物,对于学生来说,学会辨别和排除干扰项是提高考试成绩的重要技巧。在日常生活中,我们也需要注意各种可能的干扰因素,以免影响我们做出正确的决定。



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