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意思: disable和disability是两个英语单词,它们的意思都与“残疾”有关,但具体含义有所不同。 一:disable和disability的区别的意思 1. disable是一个动词,意为“使失去能力;使残疾;使无效”。主要指因为某种原因而导致身体或上的缺陷,从而无法正常运作或参与某项活动。 2. disability是一个名词,指由于先天或后天原因导致身体或上的缺陷,从而无法正常运作或参与某项活动。它可以指具体的身体部位受损,也可以指整体上的功能障碍。 二:怎么读(音标) disable:[dɪsˈeɪbəl] disability:[ˌdɪsəˈbɪləti] 三:用法 1. disable作为动词时,通常接受事物作为宾语。: - The accident disabled him for life. (事故使他终生残疾。) - The virus can disable your computer system. (这种病毒会让你的电脑失去功能。) 2. disability作为名词时,通常用来描述人或事物所具有的缺陷。: - He has a physical disability that prevents him from walking. (他有一个身体残疾,无法行走。) - The company offers support for employees with disabilities. (这家公司为残疾员工提供支持。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. disable的例句: - The injury has disabled him from playing football for the rest of his life.(这次受伤使他终生无法踢足球。) - The virus disabled my computer, so I had to take it to a repair shop.(这个病毒让我的电脑失去了功能,所以我不得不把它拿去修理店。) 2. disability的例句: - His physical disability didn't s him from becoming a successful athlete.(他的身体残疾并没有阻止他成为一名成功的运动员。) - People with disabilities often face challenges in finding employment.(残疾人在找工作时通常会面临挑战。) 3. disable和disability一起使用的例句: - The new technology has greatly reduced the risk of disabling accidents in the workplace, benefiting employees with disabilities.(新技术大大降低了工作场所发生致残事故的风险,使残疾员工受益。) - Children with learning disabilities may need extra support in order to not be disabled by their condition.(患有学习障碍的儿童可能需要额外的支持,以免被自己的状况所残疾。) 五:同义词及用法 1. disable的同义词:incapacitate, impair, cripple - The accident incapacitated him for life.(事故使他终生无法行动。) - The disease impaired her ability to walk.(这种疾病影响了她的行走能力。) - The injury crippled his hand, making it difficult for him to write.(这次受伤使他手部残疾,让他很难写字。) 2. disability的同义词:handicap, impairment, limitation - His handicap didn't s him from achieving his goals.(他的残疾并没有阻止他实现自己的目标。) - The impairment of her vision made it difficult for her to read.(视力受损使她很难阅读。) - There are limitations that come with having a disability, but they can be overcome with determination and support.(拥有残疾会带来一些限制,但通过决心和支持可以克服。) 六:编辑总结 disable和disability都与“残疾”有关,但disable是一个动词,指因为某种原因导致身体或上的缺陷而无法正常运作;disability是一个名词,指由于先天或后天原因导致身体或上的缺陷而无法正常运作。它们可以一起使用,描述人或事物所具有的缺陷。同义词包括incapacitate, impair, cripple(disable的同义词)和handicap, impairment, limitation(disability的同义词)。



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