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1. desperation /ˌdespəˈreɪʃn/ n. 绝望,不顾一切,拼命 用法:作为名词,表示极度绝望的状态或行为。常用短语in desperation表示“在绝望中”,也可用作不可数名词。 例句: 1. In desperation, she turned to her last resort and asked for help from her family. 在绝望之下,她求助于最后的手段,向家人寻求帮助。 2. The refugees fled their country in desperation, hoping to find a better life elsewhere. 难民们绝望地逃离自己的,希望能在别处找到更好的生活。 3. In a moment of desperation, he made a rash decision that he would soon regret. 在绝望的一刻,他做出了一个仓促的决定,不久后就会后悔。 4. The company's financial troubles drove them to the brink of desperation. 公司的财务困境将他们推向了绝望的边缘。 5. She searched for a job in desperation after being unemployed for months. 她失业数月后绝望地开始寻找工作。 同义词及用法:hopelessness (n. 绝望),despondency (n. 沮丧),despair (n./v. 绝望),distress (n./v. 痛苦) 编辑总结:desperation是desperate的名词形式,表示极度绝望的状态或行为。常用短语in desperation表示“在绝望中”。同义词包括hopelessness、despondency、despair和distress。



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