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['dɪ'kɔːrəslɪ] decorously是一个副词,意思是有礼貌地、得体地。它的词源来自于decorous,意为得体的、合适的。 用法:decorously常用来修饰动词或形容词,表示某人或某事物的行为或外表得体、合适。 例句1:She always speaks decorously in public.(她总是在公共场合谈吐得体。) 例句2:The guests were dressed decorously for the formal dinner.(客人们为正式晚宴穿着得体。) 例句3:He behaved decorously at the funeral, showing respect for the deceased.(他在葬礼上举止得体,对逝者表示敬意。) 例句4:The students were praised for their decorous behavior during the school assembly.(学生们因在校会上表现得体而受到表扬。) 例句5:The actress always dresses decorously, even on casual occasions.(这位女演员即使在休闲场合也总是穿着得体。) 同义词及用法: 1. appropriately (adv. 合适地):He responded appropriately to the situation.(他对情况做出了恰当的回应。) 2. properly (adv. 适当地):They were properly dressed for the wedding ceremony.(他们为婚礼仪式穿着得体。) 3. respectfully (adv. 尊敬地):The students listened respectfully to the guest speaker.(学生们尊敬地听着来宾的讲话。) 4. courteously (adv. 有礼貌地):She always greets her neighbors courteously.(她总是礼貌地向邻居们打招呼。) 5. decently (adv. 得体地):The guests were expected to dress decently for the formal event.(客人们被要求为正式活动穿着得体。) 编辑总结: decorously是一个表示行为或外表得体、合适的副词,常用来修饰动词或形容词。它的同义词有appropriately、properly、respectfully、courteously和decently,可以根据语境选择使用。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该准确理解并正确运用这些单词,以便为读者提供准确且得体的释义内容。



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