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英 [ˈdedlɒks] 美 [ˈdedlɑːks] 释义:死锁,僵局 用法:名词 1. A situation in which two or more competing actions are blocked, each by the other. 一个或多个相互竞争的行动被对方阻碍的情况。 2. A standstill resulting from the opposition of two evenly matched forces; a stalemate. 两股力量相互抗衡造成的停滞;僵局。 3. A situation in which no progress can be made, especially because of opposing views or interests. 一种无法取得进展的情况,尤其是因为意见或利益相左。 例句: 1. The negotiations have reached a deadlock and no agreement has been reached yet. 谈判已经陷入了僵局,目前还没有达成协议。 2. The company's shareholders are in a deadlock over the proposed merger with another company. 公司股东就与另一家公司合并的提议意见分歧,陷入了僵局。 3. The political parties were deadlocked on the issue of tax reform, leading to a government shutdown. 政党在税收改革问题上陷入了僵局,导致关门。 4. After hours of debate, the committee was still deadlocked on which candidate to nominate for the position. 经过数小时的辩论后,仍无法就提名哪位候选人担任该职位达成一致意见。 5. The talks between the two countries have been deadlocked for months, with no progress being made. 两国之间的谈判已经陷入了数月的僵局,没有任何进展。 同义词及用法: 1. Impasse (名词) - a situation in which no progress can be made, especially because of opposing views or interests. 例句:The negotiations have reached an impasse and no agreement has been reached yet. 2. Stalemate (名词) - a standstill resulting from the opposition of two evenly matched forces; a deadlock. 例句:The political parties were at a stalemate on the issue of tax reform. 3. Gridlock (名词) - a situation in which traffic is prevented from moving by an obstruction or by slow-moving vehicles. 例句:The city was in gridlock due to heavy snowfall. 4. Standoff (名词) - a deadlock or stalemate between two opposing sides. 例句:The standoff between the two countries has lasted for years. 5. Impediment (名词) - an obstruction or hindrance to progress; something that delays or prevents action. 例句:Lack of funding has been an impediment to the project's progress. 编辑总结: 死锁(deadlocks)是指在两个或多个相互竞争的行动中,每个行动都被对方阻碍,导致无法取得进展的情况。它也可以指两股力量相互抗衡造成的停滞,或者因为意见或利益相左而无法达成共识。同义词包括impasse、stalemate、gridlock、standoff和impediment。在使用时,可以根据具体语境来选择合适的词汇。



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