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cut down和cut out的区别

一:cut down和cut out的区别的意思 cut down和cut out都是动词短语,都有“减少”的意思,但是它们在用法上有所不同。 二:怎么读(音标) cut down:/kʌt daʊn/ cut out:/kʌt aʊt/ 三:用法 1. cut down的主要意思是“砍倒”、“削减”,通常指通过切割或减少来降低数量或程度。它可以用来指物理上的砍倒树木、削减成本等,也可以指精简文章、缩短时间等。常见搭配有cut down on sth(缩减某物)、cut down to(缩小到某个大小)、cut down on sth(减少某物)等。 2. cut out的主要意思是“切除”、“去除”,通常指通过切掉或清除来消除某物。它可以用来指手术中切除组织、删除文件中的内容等,也可以指停止做某事、避免某种行为。常见搭配有cut out sth(删掉某物)、cut out for sth(适合做某事)、cut out the noise(消除噪音)等。 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. The lumberjacks are going to cut down the trees in the forest.(伐木工人们将要砍倒森林里的树木。) 2. I need to cut down my expenses if I want to save money.(如果我想要省钱,就必须减少开支。) 3. The editor decided to cut down the article to make it more concise.(编辑决定缩短文章,使其更简洁。) 4. We should cut down on our use of plastic bags for the sake of the environment.(为了环境着想,我们应该减少使用塑料袋。) 5. The doctor advised him to cut down on his salt intake for his health.(医生建议他减少摄入盐分,保护健康。) 1. The surgeon had to cut out a tumor during the operation.(外科医生在手术中不得不切除肿瘤。) 2. Can you please cut out this part of the video? It's not relevant.(你能不能把视频中这部分删掉?它和内容无关。) 3. She has been trying to cut out sugar from her diet, but it's not easy.(她一直在努力从饮食中戒掉糖,但并不容易。) 4. He needs to cut out smoking if he wants to improve his health.(如果他想改善健康,就必须戒烟。) 5. The teacher asked the students to cut out talking during class time.(老师要求学生们在上课时间不要说话。) 五:同义词及用法 1. cut down的同义词有reduce、decrease、minimize等,用法相似。 2. cut out的同义词有remove、delete、eliminate等,用法相似。 六:编辑总结 cut down和cut out都是动词短语,都有“减少”的意思,但是它们在用法上有所不同。cut down主要指通过切割或减少来降低数量或程度,常见搭配有cut down on sth(缩减某物)、cut down to(缩小到某个大小)等;而cut out主要指通过切掉或清除来消除某物,常见搭配有cut out sth(删掉某物)、cut out for sth(适合做某事)等。它们的区别在于前者强调减少数量或程度,后者强调消除某物。

cut down和cut out的区别


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