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[ˈkʊkuːz] noun. 1. a common European bird with a grayish-brown back and white spotted underparts, noted for its characteristic call. 2. a person who is crazy, eccentric, or foolish. 3. a machine that makes repeated loud noises. 4. an error message that occurs when the system is overloaded. 1. 他的办公室里有一个老式的闹钟,每隔几分钟就会发出一声像布谷鸟一样的叫声。 His office has an old-fashioned alarm clock that makes a cuckoo sound every few minutes. 2. 她是个怪人,总是穿着奇怪的衣服,做出奇怪的举止。 She's a cuckoo who always wears weird clothes and does strange things. 3. 他们正在研发一种新型的机器,可以模拟各种动物发出的声音,包括布谷鸟。 They are developing a new machine that can simulate various animal sounds, including cuckoos. 4. 我昨天晚上在电脑上工作太久了,结果崩溃了,显示了一个“cuckoos”的错误信息。 I worked on the computer for too long last night and the system crashed, showing a "cuckoos" error message. 5. 在疯狂的城市生活中,我们都需要找到一些方式来放松自己,否则我们就会变得像布谷鸟一样疯狂。 In the crazy city life, we all need to find ways to relax ourselves, otherwise we will become cuckoos. Synonyms: 1. bird - fowl, avian 2. crazy - insane, eccentric, foolish 3. machine - device, apparatus 4. error message - warning, alert Editor's Summary: Cuckoos are not only birds with a distinct call, but also have other meanings such as crazy people or machines that make loud noises. In modern society, where life can be overwhelming and chaotic, it is important to find ways to relax and avoid becoming a "cuckoo".



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