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一:意思:批评,评论,指责 二:怎么读(音标):[ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz] 三:用法: 1.及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语 2.也可作不及物动词,后接介词for或against 3.常与形容词well、harshly、severely等连用 4.常与人称代词I、you等连用 四:例句1-5句且中英对照: 1. The teacher criticized the student for being lazy. 老师批评学生懒惰。 2. She is always criticizing her husband's cooking. 她总是批评她丈夫的烹饪技术。 3. Don't criticize others without understanding their situation. 不要在不了解别人情况的情况下批评他人。 4. He was harshly criticized by his boss for his poor performance at work. 他因工作表现不佳而受到老板严厉的批评。 5. I don't like how you always criticize me in front of others. 我不喜欢你总是在别人面前批评我。 五:同义词及用法: 1. condemn: 谴责,指责,通常指对违反道德标准或社会规范的行为进行强烈谴责。 例句:The government condemned the terrorist attack and promised to take action. 2. rebuke: 指责,谴责,通常指对某人的错误或缺点进行严厉的指责。 例句:The boss rebuked the employee for being late to work again. 3. censure: 谴责,批评,通常指对某人的行为或言论进行严厉的批评。 例句:The politician was censured by his colleagues for his controversial statements. 4. reproach: 责备,指责,通常指对某人的行为或态度表示不满或不赞同。 例句:She reproached her friend for not keeping their plans. 5. denounce: 谴责,公开批评,通常指公开谴责某人的行为或。 例句:The activist denounced the government's decision to cut funding for education. 六:编辑总结: 词组criticize是一个常用的动词,意思是批评、评论、指责。它可以作及物动词和不及物动词使用,并且常与形容词和介词连用。其同义词有condemn、rebuke、censure、reproach和denounce等。在使用时要注意语境和搭配,避免过度批评他人。



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