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connecting with

英 [kəˈnektɪŋ wɪθ] 美 [kəˈnɛktɪŋ wɪθ] 一、connecting with的意思 connecting with是一个动词短语,意思是“与某人建立”或“与某事物产生”。 二、怎么读(音标) 英 [kəˈnektɪŋ wɪθ] 美 [kəˈnɛktɪŋ wɪθ] 三、用法 connecting with通常用作动词短语,表示与某人或某事物建立。它可以用于正式场合,也可以用于日常口语中。 四、例句1-5句且中英对照 1. She has a natural talent for connecting with people. 她天生就擅长与人建立。 2. The company is trying to connect with its younger audience through social media. 公司正在通过社交媒体与年轻受众建立。 3. It's important for teachers to connect with their students on a personal level. 对老师来说,与学生在个人层面上建立很重要。 4. The new manager is having a hard time connecting with his team. 新经理在与他的团队建立方面遇到了困难。 5. I always have trouble connecting with my neighbors, we just don't have anything in common. 我总是很难和邻居们建立,我们没有共同的话题。 五、同义词及用法 1. Bond with: 与...建立密切关系,与...产生紧密 例句:I have bonded with my coworkers over our shared love for hiking. 我和我的同事们因为共同喜欢徒步旅行而建立了密切关系。 2. Relate to: 与...有共鸣,能理解 例句:As a mother, I can relate to the struggles of balancing work and family. 作为一个母亲,我能理解在工作和家庭之间平衡的困难。 3. Engage with: 与...互动,参与 例句:The speaker was able to engage with the audience through interactive activities. 演讲者通过互动活动成功地与观众进行了交流。 4. Connect on a deeper level: 在更深层次上建立 例句:We were able to connect on a deeper level through our shared experiences. 我们通过共同的经历在更深层次上建立了。 5. Communicate with: 与...沟通 例句:It's important for parents to communicate with their children about their feelings and emotions. 对父母来说,和孩子谈论他们的感受和情绪很重要。 六、编辑总结 connecting with是一个常用的动词短语,意思是“与某人或某事物建立”。它可以用于正式场合,也可以用于日常口语中。同义词包括bond with、relate to、engage with等。在与他人建立时,我们可以通过共同的兴趣爱好、经历或互动活动来加深。作为一个网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确理解单词的含义,并且灵活运用同义词来丰富文章内容,同时也要注意避免重复使用相同的表达方式。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用connecting with这个短语。

connecting with


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