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[ kən'flɪkt ] 1.意思:;争论;抵触 2.读音:kən'flɪkt 3.用法:名词,动词 4.例句: 1)There is a conflict between the two countries. 这两个之间存在。 2)The conflict between the two brothers was finally resolved. 这两个兄弟之间的最终得到解决。 3)There is a conflict of interest between the two parties. 这两个政党之间存在利益。 4)The film is about the conflict between love and duty. 这部电影讲述的是爱与责任之间的。 5)The conflicting opinions of the members led to a heated debate. 成员们持不同意见,导致了一场激烈的辩论。 5.同义词及用法: 1)dispute:指双方对某一问题或事物的不同看法而产生的争论或争执。 例句:They had a dispute over who should pay for the dinner. 2)clash:指因意见、利益等不一致而发生的激烈。 例句:The clash between the two groups resulted in several injuries. 3)struggle:指为了达到某一目标而进行的斗争,也可以指内心的挣扎。 例句:She struggled to balance her career and family life. 4)opposition:指对立的观点、行动或力量。 例句:The opposition party criticized the government's decision. 5)friction:指由于不同的意见或利益引起的摩擦和。 例句:There is often friction between siblings when it comes to dividing their inheritance. 6.编辑总结: conflict是一个常用的词汇,既可以作为名词,也可以作为动词使用。作为名词时,它表示、争论或抵触;作为动词时,它表示发生或抵触。在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到各种各样的,因此掌握好conflict的用法是非常重要的。同时,它还有许多近义词可以替换使用,如dispute、clash等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇。



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