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一:concreate是什么意思的意思 concrete是一个英语单词,意思是“具体的”、“实际的”,也可以表示“混凝土”。 二:怎么读(音标) concrete的音标为 /ˈkɑːnkriːt/。 三:用法 1. 作形容词时,表示具体的、实际的。: - The project needs some concrete ideas to make it successful. (这个项目需要一些具体的想法来使其成功。) - The teacher gave us some concrete examples to help us understand the concept. (老师给了我们一些具体的例子来帮助我们理解这个概念。) 2. 作名词时,表示混凝土。: - The construction workers poured the concrete into the foundation. (建筑工人把混凝土倒入地基。) - The bridge collapsed because the concrete used was of poor quality. (桥梁坍塌是因为使用的混凝土质量不好。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. He needs to come up with some concrete plans if he wants to start his own business. (如果他想要开自己的生意,就必须提出一些具体的计划。) 2. The scientist conducted experiments to turn his abstract theory into something more concrete. (科学家进行了实验,把他抽象的理论变成了更具体的东西。) 3. The building was made of concrete and steel, making it very strong and durable. (这座建筑是由混凝土和钢铁建造的,因此非常坚固耐用。) 4. The students were asked to provide concrete evidence to support their argument. (老师要求学生们提供具体的证据来支持他们的论点。) 5. The company's profits have increased significantly since they implemented concrete changes in their management system. (自从公司在管理上实施了具体的变革后,利润大幅增长。) 五:同义词及用法 1. specific:表示特定的、具体的。:specific details (具体细节) 2. tangible:表示可感知的、实际存在的。:tangible results (实际结果) 3. definite:表示明确的、确定的。:definite answer (明确答案) 六:编辑总结 concrete作为一个英语单词,可以作形容词也可以作名词,意思分别是“具体的”、“实际的”和“混凝土”。它常用来表示一些具体、实际存在或可感知的事物,也可以用来强调一件事情是真实可信的。在写作中,我们可以使用一些同义词来替换concrete,如specific、tangible和definite等,以增加文采和表达能力。



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