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['kləʊˈeɪkə] n. cloaca, 污物、废物、尿液等排泄物的通道; 鸟类的肛门和生殖器官共用的器官; 公共厕所; 用法:cloaca是一个拉丁词,意为“污物、废物、尿液等排泄物的通道”。它也可以指鸟类的肛门和生殖器官共用的器官,或者公共厕所。在英语中,cloaca通常被用作名词,表示一种身体结构或者公共设施。 例句1:The cloaca is a common opening for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems in birds. 鸟类的消化、泌尿和生殖都通过cloaca这个共同开口排出体内废物。 例句2:The ancient Romans had a sophisticated system of public cloacas to dispose of waste. 古罗马人拥有一套复杂的公共cloacas来处理废弃物。 例句3:The bird's cloaca is used to deposit both feces and eggs. 鸟类的cloaca被用来排放粪便和下蛋。 例句4:The city council plans to build more public cloacas in order to improve sanitation in the city. 市议会计划建造更多公共厕所来改善城市卫生状况。 例句5:The cloaca is an important organ for birds, as it allows them to efficiently eliminate waste and reproduce. 对于鸟类来说,cloaca是一个重要的器官,它能够让它们高效地排出废物和繁殖。 同义词及用法: 1. Sewer: n. 下水道,污水管道 例句:The sewer system in the city was in desperate need of repair. 2. Wastewater: n. 废水 例句:The treatment plant is responsible for purifying the city's wastewater before it is released into the river. 3. Excrement: n. 排泄物,粪便 例句:The dog's excrement must be cleaned up by its owner. 4. Latrine: n. 公共厕所,茅坑 例句:During their camping trip, they had to use a latrine instead of a regular toilet. 5. Sanitary facility: n. 卫生设施 例句:The school lacked proper sanitary facilities, which caused health concerns among the students. 编辑总结: cloaca是一个拉丁词,在英语中通常被用作名词,表示一种身体结构或者公共设施。它的主要意思是“污物、废物、尿液等排泄物的通道”,但也可以指鸟类的肛门和生殖器官共用的器官,或者公共厕所。在使用时需要注意上下文,以免产生歧义。同义词包括sewer、wastewater、excrement、latrine和sanitary facility等,它们可以根据具体语境来选择使用。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,我们需要准确解释单词的意思,并提供相关的例句和同义词,以便读者更好地理解和运用这个单词。



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