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一:chine是什么意思的意思 chine是一个英文单词,可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词时,它的意思是“脊梁”、“脊背”、“背脊”,也可以指“鱼的背部”。作为动词时,它的意思是“在鱼的背部切开”,也可以指“在木材上刻出凹槽”。 二:怎么读(音标) chine的读音为/tʃaɪn/,其中/tʃ/发音类似于汉语拼音中的“ch”,/aɪ/发音类似于汉语拼音中的“ai”,/n/发音类似于汉语拼音中的“n”。 三:用法 1. 作为名词: (1) 指人体部位: - The chine of the back is a common area for muscle tension. (背脊是肌肉紧张常见区域。) - He injured his chine while lifting weights at the gym. (他在健身房举重时受伤了背脊。) (2) 指鱼类部位: - The chef skillfully removed the chine from the fish before cooking it. (厨师在烹饪前熟练地去掉了鱼的背脊。) - The chine of this salmon is particularly fatty and flavorful. (这条鲑鱼的背脊特别肥美。) (3) 比喻用法: - The chine of the mountain range was visible from our campsite. (我们的营地可以看到山脊。) - The chine of the city skyline was lit up at night. (城市天际线的轮廓在夜晚被照亮。) 2. 作为动词: (1) 指在鱼类上切开: - The fisherman chined the salmon before cooking it. (渔民在烹饪前在鲑鱼上切开了背脊。) - She carefully chined the trout to remove the bones. (她小心地把鳟鱼切开以去除骨头。) (2) 指在木材上刻出凹槽: - The carpenter chined the wood to create a decorative design. (木匠在木材上刻出凹槽以制作装饰图案。) - He used a chisel to chine the edges of the table. (他用凿子在桌子的边缘处刻出凹槽。) 四:例句1-5句且中英对照 1. He injured his chine while lifting weights at the gym. 他在健身房举重时受伤了背脊。 2. The chef skillfully removed the chine from the fish before cooking it. 厨师在烹饪前熟练地去掉了鱼的背脊。 3. The chine of the mountain range was visible from our campsite. 我们的营地可以看到山脊。 4. The fisherman chined the salmon before cooking it. 渔民在烹饪前在鲑鱼上切开了背脊。 5. He used a chisel to chine the edges of the table. 他用凿子在桌子的边缘处刻出凹槽。 五:同义词及用法 1. Ridge:作为名词,指“山脊”、“屋脊”等,也可以指“顶峰”、“高峰”。: - We hiked to the ridge of the mountain for a better view. (我们徒步爬到山顶以便欣赏更好的景色。) - The ridge of his nose is quite prominent. (他的鼻梁很高。) 2. Spine:作为名词,指“脊柱”、“书脊”等,也可以指“中心支柱”。: - She has a curved spine due to scoliosis. (她因为脊柱侧弯而有一条弯曲的脊柱。) - The spine of this book is broken, so be careful when you handle it. (这本书的书脊已经断裂,所以处理时要小心。) 3. Backbone:作为名词,指“脊椎”、“骨气”、“支柱”等,也可以指“主干”。: - The backbone of the fish was removed before cooking. (烹饪前已经去掉了鱼的脊椎。) - She has a strong backbone and never gives up on her dreams. (她有坚强的骨气,从不放弃自己的梦想。) 六:编辑总结 通过以上内容可以看出,chine是一个多义词,既可以作为名词指人体部位或鱼类部位,也可以作为动词指在物体上切开凹槽。在使用时需要根据上下文来确定其具体含义。同时,它还有一些近义词如ridge、spine和backbone,但它们各自有着不同的用法和含义。因此,在写作或翻译中需要注意正确使用这些单词,并根据具体语境选择最合适的表达方式。



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